Northern, North East & Savannah Regions Tourist Sites

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The Northern, North East and Savannah Regions of Ghana are endowed with many tourist attractions. These include the Mole National Park; a safari park that houses elephants, baboons, a few lions and leopards and other animals living in their natural habitat, plus several hundred varieties of birds.

This region is also home to the revered Larabanga Mosque (built in the 13th century) and Salaga town. Salaga was an important town along the slave trade route from the northern portions of Ghana and Burkina Faso all the way down to the castles and forts along the coast.


International flights into Ghana end at the Kotoka International Airport in Accra. If you wanted to immediately move to Tamale (which is twelve hours by road), we recommend that you book a domestic flight on either Africa World Airlines (AWA) or PassionAir. Between these two airlines there are daily flights between Accra and Tamale. An easier, hassle-free albeit a wee bit more expensive means to buy Accra-Tamale flights is via reliable alternative Ghana domestic flights ticket channels for AWA and Passion Air.


The best way to get around Tamale and the Northern, North-East and Savannah Regions is via Bolt or Uber ‘ride-sharing’. If you have an accompanying local guide you definitely must sample Ghana’s most popular public transport – the trotro for both intra and inter-city transportation.

Mole National Safari Park, Ghana


Larabanga Mosque, Ghana


Salaga, Northern Region, Ghana


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2 thoughts on “Northern, North East & Savannah Regions Tourist Sites”

    1. Hi Claudia,
      My company does tours to Mole National Park and other tourist sites, starting from Accra or Tamale. Let’s chat on WhatsApp:

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